Hubert cecil booth
He also designed Ferris wheels, suspension bridges and factories. Later he became Chairman and Managing Director of the British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering Co. Read more about inventor Hubert Cecil Booth. A Biography on Hubert Cecil Booth and His Influence on Cleaning. Herbert Cecil Booth, a British inventor of the late 19th and early 20th century, has influenced the way that millions of people keep their floors clean. Definition of Hubert Cecil Booth – Our online dictionary has Hubert Cecil Booth information from Encyclopedia of World Biography dictionary. English, psychology and medical dictionaries. Sadza z pieca na węgiel drzewny, kurz zalegający na trzepanych ręcznie dywanach i rozmnażające się w najlepsze mikroorganizmy były zmorą XIX- wiecznych gospodyń domowych. Na ratunek ruszył im Hubert Cecil Booth , który wymyślenie odkurzacza przypłacił prawie własną śmiercią. Learn about Hubert Cecil Booth : his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivi...