Dream drop distance secret ending

Dream drop distance secret ending requirements so stupid 27. Problem with getting the secret ending ? Secret ending requirements here. I just beat it on proud mode, but only had trophies.

Once I beat it I gained trophies for beating the game and beating the game on proud mode. I got another trophy for taking pictures of .

To unlock the secret ending for viewing in the theater you must do the following things: Collect the requisite amount of trophies Answer the three qu. Go to the Mementos menu to watch it. Now, before reaching the Destiny Islands part of the ending , you must have trophies ( if on Standard) or trophies (on Proud or higher) Then . Beginner Standard Proud Critical Next, you need to answer the three questions that were asked to Riku at the end correctly.

He also said that it relates to the next title in the series. The second shows Aqua staring into the distance at the Dark Margin whilst smiling. I know I had trouble so I hope this helps. In the final segment, Donald and Goofy sit .

Then, correctly answer the three questions given to Riku at the end. The correct are: 1. After seeing the Blackout end on N4G. Dream Drop Distance Armored Ventus Nightmare boss fight and secret ending on PS4. Earn seven trophies in Standard mode or five trophies in Proud mode to view an alternate ending.

Theater mode secret ending. Ist ja im allgemeinen bekannt das man immer irgendwas für machen musste, um es frei zu schalten. Watch the Kingdom Hearts 3D secret ending video here: The secret ending message reads: The darkness awakens ( shows Young Xehanort).

Ein Geheimes Ende ist man schon von Kingdom Hearts gewöhnt, neu ist allerdings die in diesem . Hey guys, a friend of mine purchased the game and was wondering how do you unlock the secret ending for it. He was playing it on Normal. As for re:Code its secret ending is the direct lead into this game.

According to Nomura, the secret ending will be tied to the next game in the series , much like previous games in the series. In addition, it will have a shocking . COME SBLOCCARE IL SECRET ENDING DI KINGDOM HEARTS 3D. Per sbloccarlo dovrete avere:.


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